The Antavo Story

Grow. Increase lifetime value. Antavo is a self-service contest and loyalty software that enables e-commerce and retail brands to effectively interact with their customers. It not only allows them to enlarge their client base through highly engaging contest apps, but also to identify, analyse and understand the various segments of it. Once having a clear view of their needs, preferences and social influence, the power of loyalty programs and data-driven email communication helps in turning them to brand advocates and repeat customers. All for the sake of exploding marketing ROI.

The Antavo Team

  • Attila Kecsmar Attila Kecsmar
    CEO and
  • Andras Bencsik Andras Bencsik
    COO and
  • Zsuzsa Kecsmar Zsuzsa Kecsmar
    CMO and
  • Gabor Csarnai Gabor Csarnai
    CTO and
  • Andy Nemes Andy Nemes
    Head of Sales and BizDev
  • Andras Taraszovics Andras Taraszovics
    Frontend Developer
  • Timea Garai Timea Garai
    Client Marketing Manager
  • Andras Budai Andras Budai
    Backend Developer
  • Tamas Szugyi Tamas Szugyi
    Backend Developer
  • Janos Pinter Janos Pinter
    Quality Assurance Analyst
  • Ferenc Gulyas Ferenc Gulyas
    Junior Frontend Developer
  • Clare Nemeth Clare Nemeth
    Account Manager
  • You

Board members & investors

  • Zoltan Vardy Zoltan Vardy
  • Rohini Contractor Rohini Contractor
  • Miklos Kovacs Miklos Kovacs
