How does Antavo compare to other tools?

  • Antavo is not for the smallest

    Tools like Pagemodo and Heyo are excellent to launch contests in a minute.

    If you, your team, or your clients are conscious about marketing, then you might need more.

  • A sophisticated software

    Customization, measurement and viral game mechanics are important for mature businesses, brands and marketing agencies.

    Antavo provides with the toolset for those who do marketing seriously.

Efficiency and usability

See how Antavo compares to other tools on the market.

Antavo Offerpop Strutta Woobox Shortstack Wishpond
Apps Responsive templates
User friendly platform
Insights Advanced reporting
Customer profiling
Influencer identification
Conversion Segmentation
Live sync with newsletter providers
Live sync with CRM providers Soon
Triggered emails
Publishing Multilingual
Multichannel campaigns
Custom design per device and channel without design skills
Who is it for? Brands and Agencies Brands and Agencies Brands and Agencies Small businesses and Agencies Small businesses, Brands and Agencies Small businesses, Brands and Agencies

What else Antavo can do for you?

See Full Feature Matrix

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